Well so much has happened and I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time to update the blog, so fasten your seat belts because here comes a quick review of the last 10 (very full days). To catch more details you will have to catch up with me next time I see you (it would be too much stuff to write).
I am still at the YWAM base in Brisbane and last week I got to work VERY hard. On my typical Thursday I wake up at 5am to watch the world cup, around 7am had breakfast and after that worked in the kitchens cutting some fruit for the morning tea (which we have every morning here and it’s an excellent idea that should be implemented worldwide). Around 10am I was doing construction work, mainly digging a whole and mixing concrete for new laundry set up that we’ve been working on. After lunch I helped the crew clean up the kitchen (one of my daily duties here), then back to the construction to nail some boards, move washers and what not. After that I worked on the garden planting some ferns and watering tons of plants with bucket, picked up a huge sack of leaves for the clean up of the front of the property, and then put away all the tool that were used in all the jobs. After all that, play a little volleyball on the park down the road, eat dinner, clean up the kitchen, ping pong and crash into bed… no time for internet you see. Oh, and today I was the cheff in the kitchen and we made Brazilian food. It was sooooo good. Everybody loved it!
Last weekend I went to Byron Bay and it was excellent. This is the most popular beach town of Australia and the beaches there are really amazing! As soon as I got there I signed up for a surfing lesson and it was fantastic. Greg and Dominic (picture) were the aussie coaches that my group had and they were great. I am not going to lie, I crash countless times and I’ve never been flipped so many times in one afternoon, but by the end of the day I had the surfing thing down pretty good : ) It was soooooo much fun! The waves of 1.5 meters were great! Perfect conditions!
I spent the night at the Arts Factory which is a very cool, crazy hostel. Definitely the coolest one I’ve been to yet. Lots of surfers, musicians and artists here. There was art everywhere. The counters were made of surfboards, one of the dorms was made out of a bus, the other one was a circus tent. Very cool and different. The next day I did lots of walking and running and swimming on the beaches. I reached the most easterly point in Australia and got to see some dolphins from the lighthouse look out. Amazing place!!!
This week I’ve had the privilege to be a part of the Sports DTS school here at the base and it has been a blessing. The first half of the week we were away in a ranch house in the country. So peaceful there. Nothing around to bother us. Great teachings on the character and nature of God. I am learning so much! We also played tons of volleyball and I introduced foot-volley, which was a major hit too! We came back yesterday and the lectures will continue until the end of the week. Oh I wish I could stay for the whole course. It’s sooooo good.
This weekend I’ll try to see the city of Brisbane, since I’ve only been on the base thus far, and on Monday I leave for New Zealand! Better go now. The sports group (the one I am in) has 6am work outs on MWF, so it’s going to be an early rise… cheers – JP
don't know how to flip this pic so...
Em Portugues - Trabalho / Surf / Aprendizado
Alegria!!! Eu tenho feito tanto coisa por aqui que nem deu tempo de eu atualizar o site, mas ai vai um resumo do que se passa por aqui…
Ainda estou na base da JOCUM em Brisbane e tenho trabalhado bastante por aqui, fazendo de tudo. Lavo prato, corto fruta, limpo a cozinha, trabalho na construcao cavando buraco, fazendo cimento, pintando, martelando, removendo movies e maquinas de lavar roupa, jardinagem plantando samambaias, regando palmeiras, catando folhas, e mais… Hoje fui o chefe la’ na cozinha e fizemos comida brasileira. O arroz e feijao fizeram o maior sucesso e todos adoraram.
Fim de semana passado fui a Byron Bay, que e’ a praia mais frequentada da Australia. Muito show de bola. Chegando la’ peguei uma aulinha de surfe com uns professores (foto) muito feras. Depois de varias tombos e caldos peguei a manha da parade e no fim da tarde estava arrebentando nas ondas eheheheheheehhehe. Muito show de bola, bom de mais! Duas semanas atras estive no ponto mais sul da Australia e em Byron estive no ponto mais leste do pais. Uma vista incrivel da praia, do oceano e de baleias!!! So’ que nesse dia eu nao vi nenhuma baleia nao, so’ golfinhos. Show de bola esse lugar.
Essa semana eu tive o privilegio de participar das aulas do curso do DTS de esportes. Fomos para uma fazenda, longe de tudo para ter as primeiras aulas sobre o carater e essencia de Deus. Muito bom, aprendi bastante. Foi muito legal, bem tranquilo o lugar, muito volley e baralho com os amigos. Introduzi o futevolley e foi o maior sucesso! Todos adoraram : ) Amanha eu assisto a ultima aula dessa serie aqui na base mesmo e no fim de semana eu vou visitar a cidade de Brisbane, porque ate’ agora so’ fiquei na base. Segunda eu pego meu voo para Nova Zelandia!
Vou dormir porque amanha o pessoal do esporte tem que correr e malhar as 6 da manha, entao tenho que ir dormir cedo. Aquele abraco - JP