Friday, October 06, 2006

The Latest News

I am stuck in the best place in world- home sweet home. Although I wish I could've been back in the States by now I am not complaining. Things are great here in Brasilia and I am really enjoying my time with my family. My sister is also having some problems with her visa and she'll be here until November 7th. Her husband, Preston, is also here with us and we are doing lots of things together :) Grand times. The new plan (not for certain) is for me to return to GA in January. That will depend on many things that are out of my control, but hopefully things will work out. I still have not heard about my new visa, and I am uncertain about the future of JMCC... Please pray about these things. Thanks!

For now I'll keep on running and playing lots of soccer :) I am also looking for a job, but that's not easy here. I hope to see some special people soon. If you would like to visit, this would be a really good time to come!