Last weekend I had an unbelievable road trip! First I went to NC to visit Maggie, which was wonderful (we had a lot of fun in Ashville). Then I went to Emporia, VA to visit Dr Wray and that was great too (this was my main stop). But while in Virginia I got in touch with Nicole and found out that she was only 70 miles away... so I couldn't miss this chance to see her. So at 11pm I got out of bed and drove to Richmond to hang out with Nicole.
The next morning after breakfast I drove to Louisburg, NC to meet Dr Wray again for lunch and see the campus where he is working now. From there I drove to High Point to meet with Dr Ellenburg and some of my former professors. I spent the night there, and got to see the campus the next day (which has changed a LOT) and after lunch I finally drove back to Athens... it was a GREAT road trip, I got to see a lot of old friends and it was fun to catch up... : )
Em portugues.
Nesse fim de semana viajei pra caramba aqui no sul dos States. Sai de Atenas na Georgia, fui para Ashville (na Carolina do Norte), depois para Emporia na Virginia, depois Richmond, depois Louisburg (de volta a Carolina do Norte), de la' fui pra High Point (onde fiz minha faculdade) e finalmente voltei para Atenas. Passei uma noite em cada cidade... foi bem legal rever os velhos amigos e colocar a conversa em dia. Agora estou de volta em Atenas trabalhando muito la' no clube : )