Now I am at my sister’s house in Colorado, but on Sunday I’ll be going to Florida to meet my team and do the boot camp (training) to go to Uganda. I’ll be in Florida for 2 weeks, then in Uganda for 4 or 5 weeks, then Ethiopia for a few days, and finally back in the States on August 9th.
Please pray for my team! Pray for team unity, good attitude through the tough circumstances, and perseverance. Pray for opportunities to share our love and faith. Also pray for deliverance of accidents and diseases (we’ll be doing construction work and basketball camps).
Starting on Sunday I won’t have access to my phone or internet until August 10th!! But you can write me a letter! And I’ll write you back… : ) below are the addresses …
Thank you so much for your support thus far! For more news during my trip see www.teenmissions.org (team Uganda) . Remember to pray for me and the team!