Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Great time with Julie, Greg, Jackson, Jessica, Brennen and Kimberly.
God is amazing for creating so many BIG fish! Amazing!

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas! Feliz Natal!

We were blessed with a white Christmas this year!!! We loved playing in the snow! Check out our biggest snowman ever! We've had a super Christmas break so far, with lots of family gatherings, good food and awesome parties. Congratulations to the Burns on their 40th wedding anniversary! We celebrated with family and friends at Innoko's in Athens. So fun to see the chef cooking in front of us... Now a few more days of rest and here we go 2011!

Feliz Natal e um super 2011 para todos!!! Saudades do Brasil... por aqui muita alegria e muita neve!