Sunday, August 28, 2011

JP's eye injury

  So I was playing a wicked new game called paddle (kind of a mix of tennis and squash)
and I got nailed in the eye. The ball actually hit the edge of my racket and hit me square in the eye.
Really bad luck. From there I went straight to the hospital. Tear on the retina. Laser surgery the
next morning and now three days of rest and recovery. My eye hurts less today, but vision is still
very blurry. I'll see the doc again tomorrow at 9am. Thanks for your prayers! JP

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kimberly's Birthday!!

Kimberly's birthday was great! We celebrated with the family here and had a DELICIOUS chocolate and strawberry cake! That evening we went to a small amusement park and rode the ferris wheel! Then we each ate a churros! Happy Day!! Thank You God for life!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

School Has Started

We have started our school year at BIS. JP is teaching high school math and P.E. Kimberly is teaching Pre-k 3 and 4 year olds, 2nd grade math and language arts, and kindergarten social studies and science. We are staying busy with school work and lesson plans. We are able to go on runs some afternoons and spend our Sundays with church and family. It has been a privilege to be able to share Jesus' love with the children at school and incorporate stories about Him in our lessons. How cool!!!