Sunday, June 30, 2013

We flew to the USA!

Thursday our doctors told us that I was clear to fly to the USA Saturday night. :) So, we packed our bags and took the same flight as Mom and Dad. The flight was good and we have arrived in Georgia! Thank you for your prayers for us and all of your encouragement.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 2.9 going home!

The doctor came, removed the tube, and said Kimberly can go home after lunch!!! Praise God!!! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 2.8

  Kimberly is doing very well. Thank you for all your prayers! Thank you Lord for answering those prayers.

  We are in a regular room for tonight! Out of ICU! Much quieter and calm here. She still has the tube coming out of her lung that goes into the "drain" but that's getting better also. If all is well, the doctor may remove the tube tomorrow.

My foot is also getting better. For those that didn't know I almost broke my foot in a soccer game two weeks ago. At this point the foot is still swollen and has some purple spots on it... doesn't look good, but feels much better than before. I have a boot and crutches that have helped a lot. I hope that soon I'll get off the boot and crutches. Please pray for that also.

Thank you! and praise be to God.
JP and Kimberly

Re: Kimberly update 2.7

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Yesterday we had a good day, good night in ICU, apart from the frequent scheduled interruptions, and a busy/ good morning today.

Her blood numbers are good, drainage from the lung is good, X-rays are good, lung fully expanded, eating well, moving ok, she feels little pain- mostly when she moves around. Thank you Lord! This soooo much better.
There is a good chance we'll go to a regular room latter today. Thank you for all your prayers and please continue to pray for her recovery. Praise God.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 2.6

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Kimberly had a good night in ICU with little pain and little bleeding. Praise The Lord! This is much better than last time. Much lighter monitoring , less wires hooked up to her, and less tests. Pray for strength, recovery, good doctors visits, and that she'll be allowed to eat and drink soon, and go to a regular room today.

Thanks! Praise God!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 2.5

Surgery went well. Big praise that she had very little bleeding. Now pray for a speedy recovery and to quickly get out of ICU. Thank you so much. Praise The Lord.


Re: Kimberly update 2.4

Kimberly in surgery now. 7pm.

Re: Kimberly update 2.3

Kimberly's surgery is now scheduled for 4pm or latter. Thanks for praying!

Kimberly update 2.2

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Sorry for the delayed update. Kimberly has another pneumothorax, but this time is in her right lung. We spent the night in the hospital and we r considering another surgery just like the one in May, but hopefully this time with no complications.
If we do the surgery it would be today some time after 2pm.

Please pray for us and the doctors for strength, wisdom, peace and no complications. I'll try to send more updates latter...
Thank you!!

Sent from JP's iPhone

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Pray for Kimberly.

Kimberly is feeling pain on her right lung this time. We r in the hospital waiting to do an X-ray. Please pray for her. Thanks! Jp

Sent from JP's iPhone

Thursday, June 06, 2013


Now it's Kimberly's turn to take care of Jp. No fractures, just a lot of pain. Last day of school, last soccer game, a kid step on my foot and almost broke it. 7 days in the cast. Thanks for your prayers. Jp