"program" is called NIKO, which mean winner in Greek. There a few things that are secret and we cannot tell to everybody (for the sake of those who will participate in it in the future)... but it was a major adventure in the jungle! No showers, no toothpaste, no cookies, only allowed 3 sets of clothes and that's is! We had to be very smart with the food we had, we had to make our own camps, sleep in some rough conditions and a complete a lot of tasks/assignments during the day. Wow, I loved it. The trails and the jungle were awsome. We worked a lot on team work and leadership... I certalinly learned a lot and was able to hear God's voice in different ways. It was unique experience... very challenging and certainly worth it.
EM PORTUGUES - Acabamos de voltar da nossa expedicao do NIKO - 4 dias na mata e muita aventura!! NIKO em grego quer dizer vencedor, e esse foi nosso penultimo treinamento na ETED antes de sairmos para o pratico. La' fizemos muitos trabalhos em equipe e dinamicas de lideranca. Foi um tempo muito bom onde ouvimos a voz de Deus de maneiras diferentes...
Tinhamos que montar nosso proprio acampamento, racionar bem a comida, e cumprir muitas tarefas (mata a dentro) durante o dia. Foi muito show e muita aventura mesmo! Bem desafiador, mas com certeza valeu a pena!!
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