Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Poco Azul

Today we went to Poco Azul and saw many waterfalls! To get there we had to go down a LONG dirt road with many potholes. But the view was very pretty.

The first waterfall had a cave that the water flowed into. It was very deep. We jumped in from the side of the rocks after watching others jump. The water was COLD! Later we walked down an extremely steep rocky path to see another water fall. This one was down stream from the first one we went to. Later we walked up stream and passed many, many people playing in the water. We found a place just past where everyone was and put our hammock across the stream! With both of us in the hammock the hammock touched the water!So much for staying dry. On our way back to the car a family that was cooking out offered some of their food to us! We took them up on a sausage link. It was good. :)

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