Monday, April 09, 2012

Easter Weekend Thank you God for Jesus!

JP's birthday dinner with family!

Time in Caldos Novas!

This Easter weekend we went to Caldos Novas with Claudia and her friend. We spent 2 full days there going to a hot water park called Di Roma. Every night the water from these pools is emptied and fresh hot water is added. Some pools are hotter than others. My favorite part was the water slide! Yeah, a hot water slide! We also celebrated JP's birthday with a chocolate cake, swimming, volley ball, pizza with family in the evening, and a thank You to God for JP. :)
Easter morning JP and I drove back to Brasilia for church at the International Baptist Church. They speak English there and many of our friends from school attend the church. After the service there was a potluck lunch. So, we had foods from all over the world. It was so good. That evening we went to church at IPN our usual church and they had a beautiful Easter service. The birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead was presented. How exciting to worship a living savior who was not defeated by death and so as to remain dead. But who came to life just as He said he would! Now there is hope for us in His name. How great the humility and intense the love Jesus has. I think He is very brave to take on all that He did just to restore God's relationship with man, His creation. A quote from the musical stood out to me. "It was not the nails that held Jesus to the cross it was His love." His love for you my friend and for me.
Because He lives we can face tomorrow. Because He lives we have hope for today and eternity in His name.
Easter sunrise on our drive back home. The biggest chocolate egg I've ever seen! Thank you Claudia!

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