Friday, September 27, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

25h Swim Relay in Brasilia

  I forgot to post this earlier... we had a GREAT time. 

BIS students, teachers and parents joined Guigo Lopes and his team this weekend in the 25 hours Swim Relay. That's right, 25h swimming non-stop! We had a group that went in the morning and another group that came back at night. Special thanks to coach Guigo who invited us to join his team. We had a blast!
Congratulations to all who swam on the 25 hours swim relay marathon!!! Rafael 100m, Daniel 300m, Gustavo 500m, Scott Lancaster 300m, Samir 100m (Rafael's father), Mrs. Batista 200m and Coach Batista 1800m.
Check out more videos and photos on the links below… Way to go Eagles!!!
Daniel in action...
Gustavo and Mrs. Batista in action
More pictures and videos... 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Stand up paddle!

We have been wanting to do stand up paddle for a while now.  So, we went today to celebrate Kimberly's birthday!  Some friends from school came with us.  We had a great time.

We had a wonderful summer!  Thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement over the past 3 months.  God is indeed faithful and the giver and sustainer of life. We are blessed beyond measure to have a loving, faithful and compassionate God.  Here are some pictures of some of the things we were able to do this summer.  God is our healer and it was so good to be able to be active again.  Thanks be to God!
 We went to San Francisco for 3 days.  In the afternoons the clouds came in really low.  It looked like a giant wave coming over the hills.

 We went down Lombard Street. (behind us)

 Does this look familiar? There were many people sitting or napping on this hill.  While we were enjoying the view a pit bull came running down the hill and jumped on a napping couple.  The dog jumped on their heads and was acting like it wanted to play!  The surprised couple handled it very well and soon left as the owner scolded her dog.
 The Golden Gate Bridge!

 We went to The Big Basin and saw the red wood trees!  Kimberly had been wanting to see these trees for years. They are around 2,000 years old and can grow over 300 feet tall! It's hard to imagine that some of these trees have been here since Jesus was walking on earth!

 On day 3 we went to Muir Woods.  It was beautiful!

 From San Fransico we went to Boston to visit Luisa, Preston and Isaac.  We went to the beach for half a day.  The water was cold but that didn't stop all of us from getting in.  Isaac was the first one to get in!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Family time in Boston.

We are having a good time here with Luisa , Preston an  Isaac. Love the family. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

We r in Boston

We are in Boston. We had a great flight on business class. :) 
Tomorrow we are going to the beach with Luisa and Preston. 
Cheers. JP.  


Sunday, June 30, 2013

We flew to the USA!

Thursday our doctors told us that I was clear to fly to the USA Saturday night. :) So, we packed our bags and took the same flight as Mom and Dad. The flight was good and we have arrived in Georgia! Thank you for your prayers for us and all of your encouragement.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 2.9 going home!

The doctor came, removed the tube, and said Kimberly can go home after lunch!!! Praise God!!! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 2.8

  Kimberly is doing very well. Thank you for all your prayers! Thank you Lord for answering those prayers.

  We are in a regular room for tonight! Out of ICU! Much quieter and calm here. She still has the tube coming out of her lung that goes into the "drain" but that's getting better also. If all is well, the doctor may remove the tube tomorrow.

My foot is also getting better. For those that didn't know I almost broke my foot in a soccer game two weeks ago. At this point the foot is still swollen and has some purple spots on it... doesn't look good, but feels much better than before. I have a boot and crutches that have helped a lot. I hope that soon I'll get off the boot and crutches. Please pray for that also.

Thank you! and praise be to God.
JP and Kimberly

Re: Kimberly update 2.7

Para ler em português veja

Yesterday we had a good day, good night in ICU, apart from the frequent scheduled interruptions, and a busy/ good morning today.

Her blood numbers are good, drainage from the lung is good, X-rays are good, lung fully expanded, eating well, moving ok, she feels little pain- mostly when she moves around. Thank you Lord! This soooo much better.
There is a good chance we'll go to a regular room latter today. Thank you for all your prayers and please continue to pray for her recovery. Praise God.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 2.6

Ler em português no

Kimberly had a good night in ICU with little pain and little bleeding. Praise The Lord! This is much better than last time. Much lighter monitoring , less wires hooked up to her, and less tests. Pray for strength, recovery, good doctors visits, and that she'll be allowed to eat and drink soon, and go to a regular room today.

Thanks! Praise God!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 2.5

Surgery went well. Big praise that she had very little bleeding. Now pray for a speedy recovery and to quickly get out of ICU. Thank you so much. Praise The Lord.


Re: Kimberly update 2.4

Kimberly in surgery now. 7pm.

Re: Kimberly update 2.3

Kimberly's surgery is now scheduled for 4pm or latter. Thanks for praying!

Kimberly update 2.2

Pra ler em português veja o blog

Sorry for the delayed update. Kimberly has another pneumothorax, but this time is in her right lung. We spent the night in the hospital and we r considering another surgery just like the one in May, but hopefully this time with no complications.
If we do the surgery it would be today some time after 2pm.

Please pray for us and the doctors for strength, wisdom, peace and no complications. I'll try to send more updates latter...
Thank you!!

Sent from JP's iPhone

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Pray for Kimberly.

Kimberly is feeling pain on her right lung this time. We r in the hospital waiting to do an X-ray. Please pray for her. Thanks! Jp

Sent from JP's iPhone

Thursday, June 06, 2013


Now it's Kimberly's turn to take care of Jp. No fractures, just a lot of pain. Last day of school, last soccer game, a kid step on my foot and almost broke it. 7 days in the cast. Thanks for your prayers. Jp

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Kimberly update 15

I continue to get better little by little. I'm able to do little things like get out of the recliner by myself and go on slow walks with JP or Mom. This week I was able to sleep in the bed reclined on pillows! 
Please pray for my red blood count to get better. It needs to rise to at least a 10. 
Also, please pray for our doctor appointments tomorrow.  
We can't say thank you enough for your prayers, cards/emails, food and love.  We still have a journey ahead but trust that our Maker (God) is holding us in His mighty hands. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kimberly update 14.. Look What God did!
On Monday we went to see the surgeon for a follow up visit.  But before we could go we needed a recent x-ray of my lung. Our doctor’s appointment was at 4:30 pm. We only wanted to make one trip into town because I was moving very slowly and the bumps on the road were uncomfortable. So, we left in the afternoon. The plan was for us to find a wheelchair and JP would take me to the different places in the hospital in it.  When we arrived at the hospital we found a wheelchair outside for me to ride in.  (Thank You God!)  Then we proceeded through the hospital to get the x-ray. But when we finally got to the place where we would get the paper for the x-ray they told us the x-ray machine was broken. What?!
JP knew of a clinic just down the road that specialized in x-rays.  It was about 3:00 by this time. We were able to take the wheel chair to the clinic.  Once there we were told by two different receptionists that we could do the x-ray but would not get the results until tomorrow.  JP did the talking as I sat in the wheelchair.   I began to pray, “Lord, please open the doors for us that are closed.  Open the closed doors for us. Please. Please Sir open the closed doors.  Help us.” 
A moment later a man in a black suit walked up to JP and began talking to him. He asked JP what he needed. JP told him. The man told JP to come with him.  He talked to the doctor there and then next thing I knew JP said we were going to get our results the same day!  I was soon taken back for an x-ray. The first 2 x-rays done by the nurses did not turn out well. So, I went to this high tech x-ray machine and the doctor took my x-ray.  He did a great job. We waited outside for the results and by 4:20 we had our results in our hands!
As we were leaving the man in the black suit stopped us at the door and putting his hand out to me said, “Sometimes God shortens our steps for a time because there is much more ahead.  There is still work for you to do here. May you have a long life.”  We thanked him and JP took me to another building for my doctor’s appointment.  The appointment went well.  I got my stitches out! The doctor said I can move about more and answered a lot of our questions. There is still some air in my chest cavity.  But he was not surprised by this.  He said in a week it should be gone.  He wanted me to start physical therapy at the end of this week!  So, I’ll begin on Friday.
God showed us He was with us. He provided a wheelchair for me.  He opened closed doors to allow me to get a good x-ray and to get the results the same day. We are so thankful for how God opens closed doors and for His attention and loving-kindness towards us.
Thank you for your prayers. Please keep them coming. Next week is another big week for us with more doctor visits. 
We are in God’s hands,

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Thank you Lancasters

Jeff and Jill brought grits, eggs and bacon to Kimberly today. It tasted so good! It filled our stomaches and lifted our spirits. Thank you Jeff and Jill!!!!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 13

   Today we had a good day. Praise the Lord! We haven't had a good day in a long time. It has been so nice to be at home, away from the hospital and all the business of nurses and doctors. For Kimberly the best thing is to not have any tubes, needles or wires connected to her. Thank you Lord!

  Kimberly is making progress. Today she was able to walk by herself. We have a long way to go so we would like for you to continue praying for us. God is answering your prayers and strengthening and healing Kimberly. He is so good to us and we trust that He will continue to be faithful. Pray for strength, healing, patience, attitude, no pain. 

Thanks for sending encouraging Bible verse. That has helped us a lot! As for me I am excited because after 8 nights, tonight I'll sleep in an actual bed! 

God bless,

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Update 12 ... Praise

We are leaving the hospital now!!! We got the all clear to go home. Kimberly still has a long way to go in recovery but this is a huge step.

Thank you for your prayers!! Please continue them as we go into the next phase of recovery.
JP says sorry for not sending more updates. He was exhausted and tried to send them as much as possible.
Thank God for all of His answered prayers and attention!!!
Kimberly and JP

Sent from JP's iPhone

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 11.2

 All doctors have cleared Kimberly to go to a regular room. Now we are waiting on the paper work and an actual room to be available. The hospital is very full now. 
God is taking care of us. Thank you Lord! 

We also need to do one more x-ray today. The sooner the better, so the doc can see it. Lets pray for that also. 

Thank you so much. Jp 

Re: Kimberly update 10

We had a long day yesterday. We are both very very tired. Pray for strength. 

Kimberly 's numbers are better and better. Lung is good. We only need one more doctor to clear us to leave ICU. Pray that this doc would come by or call and authorize us to go to a room. 

Pray for energy , attitude, thankful heart, strength, Kimberly be able to eat and digest well. No upset stomach. 

Send encouraging bible verses to us. 
God bless. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 9

Today was certainly our busiest day in the hospital. Doctors and nurses literally lined up at the door to see Kimberly. It's mostly routine stuff, but keeps us very busy. Her numbers are improving and she is making progress. Because she is improving the doctors have taken some "wires" off of her which makes it much more comfortable and gives her the ability to get off the bed.

So today we did a little walk which was a  great sign of improvement. It was very challenging but Kimberly worked hard and did it. Overall she is moving much better and has more energy and strength than yesterday. This is encouraging. We are both very tired because we've had so many things happening today... and we still need to do more exams tonight!

Kimberly has been fasting for the exams, and this makes her hungry, tired and weak. No fun. Pray for us so we can knock this out and go home. We are on ICU tonight again, but hopefully tomorrow we'll go to a room where we can have visitors.
 God is taking care of us. Our hope and strength is in Him. Let's keep praying for wisdom, diagnosis, recovery, strength, attitude, healing. God bless.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 7

  Today was kind of a hard day. We were blessed to "sleep in" a little bit until 8am. Then the whole day was kind of  busy with doctor visits and nurses collecting blood and checking vital signs. 

Kimberly had a headache all day and the meds were not as effective today. The doctors didn't give her stronger drugs because they didn't want her blood pressure to drop too much. It was a bit low at night, but it's been fine during the day. 
  Kimberly lost some blood during the surgery so to help the blood pressure the docs gave her lots of iv's. Her body is not producing blood as quickly as the surgeon expected so they are giving her some blood tonight. Today she has been feeling weak and dizzy, so we are hoping that this blood will boost her system back to normal. The doctors and nurses have done a great job taking care of us and patiently explaining what's happening and what's next. 
  Kimberly's arms and legs are also a bit swollen from all the iv's. This is normal, but it's uncomfortable

  Please pray that she will have more strength and less pain tomorrow.

  Another blessing is that today around 5pm we moved to a small private room still inside the ICU. This is sooooooooooooo much better than before. Now we have some privacy and quiet. Much more comfortable. We'll also have our own bathroom. We've been in the hospital since Thursday morning, so 4 full days... this will be our 4th night (second on ICU). Hopefully we'll go to a regular room tomorrow, depending on Kimberly's blood numbers and energy level. 

  Thanks for all your support. Keep praying for Kimberly's recovery. We are getting tired of the hospital... We miss our friends and our students. cheers,

the previous updates are available at 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Re: Kimberly update 5

Things have settled down here and Kimberly is sleeping now and doing well. Good HR and blood pressure. I think I'll try to get some sleep too. Cheers , Jp

Re: Kimberly update 4

Kimberly's 2nd procedure went well and they removed a blood clot that wouldn't stop bleeding (that's what I understood). This was a success and her drainage now is much better. She is doing fine now. We are back in the icu and this time I think we'll just stay here and go to sleep. At some point tomorrow we should go to another room. Thank you for your prayers. Jp

Re: Kimberly update 3

Been praying for you all all day.  Still praying.  Love you both!  ~Brennen

On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 3:38 PM, JP Batista <> wrote:
Kimberly has some extra drainage and the doctor chose to do a small suction procedure to take care of this sooner than latter to avoid potential complications latter.  So she is going back to the operating room for another 15 min procedure. Lets keep praying. Thank you. Jp

Re: Kimberly update 3

Kimberly has some extra drainage and the doctor chose to do a small suction procedure to take care of this sooner than latter to avoid potential complications latter. So she is going back to the operating room for another 15 min procedure. Lets keep praying. Thank you. Jp

Re: Kimberly update 2

Kimberly had a good surgery and she is recovering in icu. I'll be here with her for 24h, then we'll go to a room. God is taking care of us. Lets pray for a good recovery now. Thank you. Jp

Kimberly's surgery

My surgery is at 9:00 am today.

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, May 10, 2013

Kimberly update 1:30pm

    Friends and family. 
As you know we came to the hospital yesterday morning because Kimberly has pneumothorax in the left lung. 
Thank you for all your prayers and support. It's working : ) 

God is good and he is taking care of us. We've been trying very hard to get in touch with the doctor. I've walked around looking for him, asked nurses, I searched him on the internet, called his office... and nothing. But then we prayed and 3 minutes latter he showed up in our room! Praise God.

  We've got a great doctor (who speaks English) and he has been very helpful. Kimberly will have surgery tomorrow morning to fix this pneumothorax. Should be a 1 hour long surgery  ( Laparoscopic) with total anesthesia. We don't know the exact time of the surgery yet, just that it will be on Saturday morning. Please pray for our surgeon, Dr. Humberto.  

Visitors are welcome to stop by today from 2pm to 6pm and 7:30pm to 8:30pm.
feel free to stop by if you would like. After the surgery Kimberly will be in ICU for 24h so no visitors on Saturday, but then she'll go to her own room for 3 or 4 days. So you can also visit on Sunday or Monday. 

  We are in Hospital Santa Luzia (near BIS), room 8, Terreo (ground floor). 

  We'll be posting updates on our blog for those that want to follow up on Kimberly... 

   Also we have very poor phone reception in our current room, but we do have wifi internet. So email is our best communication at this point.
  For now Kimberly has been resting and she's  been in good spirits. She has some pain when she moves or changes positions, but the drugs have been helpful for the pain. The doctors and nurses are good too.

  thanks for your support and please continue to pray for us.


Love people, Love God.
Brasília International School.