Friends and family.
As you know we came to the hospital yesterday morning because Kimberly has pneumothorax in the left lung.
Thank you for all your prayers and support. It's working : )
God is good and he is taking care of us. We've been trying very hard to get in touch with the doctor. I've walked around looking for him, asked nurses, I searched him on the internet, called his office... and nothing. But then we prayed and 3 minutes latter he showed up in our room! Praise God.
We've got a great doctor (who speaks English) and he has been very helpful. Kimberly will have surgery tomorrow morning to fix this pneumothorax. Should be a 1 hour long surgery ( Laparoscopic) with total anesthesia. We don't know the exact time of the surgery yet, just that it will be on Saturday morning. Please pray for our surgeon, Dr. Humberto.
Visitors are welcome to stop by today from 2pm to 6pm and 7:30pm to 8:30pm.
feel free to stop by if you would like. After the surgery Kimberly will be in ICU for 24h so no visitors on Saturday, but then she'll go to her own room for 3 or 4 days. So you can also visit on Sunday or Monday.
We are in Hospital Santa Luzia (near BIS), room 8, Terreo (ground floor).
We'll be posting updates on our blog for those that want to follow up on Kimberly...
Also we have very poor phone reception in our current room, but we do have wifi internet. So email is our best communication at this point.
For now Kimberly has been resting and she's been in good spirits. She has some pain when she moves or changes positions, but the drugs have been helpful for the pain. The doctors and nurses are good too.
thanks for your support and please continue to pray for us.
Love people, Love God.
Brasília International School. .
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