Wooohhhhoouuu!!! I am Sydney!!! All is well and so far I am having a great time. Lots of exploring! I've seen and experienced so much already that is hard to put it all in words so here are some highlights...
After I left Colorado I actually got to spend a day in Los Angeles which was a nice (unexpected) addition to the trip. I got on one of those city tour buses and went everywhere and saw everything... Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Venice beach, Chinese theater, farmers market and more. We had a few stops and a nice guide and the whole thing was a lot of fun. At night I came back to the airport to catch my flight.
The flight to Sydney wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. It was not bad at all and it was easy to adjust to the time change too. The key is to sleep on the plane and stay awake here on the first day (no naps). But man on the first night here I crashed at 9pm and was gone...
My hostel is clean, has lots of cool people and it is in a great location. Yesterday I went on an amazing run from my hostel through the botanical gardens to the Sydney port and Opera house. Unbelievable!!! So nice to run by the water and on the park and then around the Opera house. Amazing workout/ run/ worship time :)
Today I am going to check out some beaches, and tomorrow I might go to the mountains. So far in the city I've seen lots of great architecture, cool modern museums and an awsome Jazz festival in Darlin Harbor!!! The weather is a bit cold, but not bad. Brazil plays at 5am and I am so pumped for our first game. Australians are really into the world cup (Thank God!!!) so it's been a lot of fun already :)
Em portugues
Por aqui beleza pura! Sydeny e' muito fera' mesmo. Ta' fazendo um pouco de frio mas da' para explorar tudo que tem pra fazer aqui. Meu alberque e' massa, e esta' bem perto do porto. Ontem dei uma corrida ate' o porto de Sydeny e a casa de Opera atravessando o jardim botanico... sensacional!!!! Bom de mais correr por aqui. Muita gente ativa por aqui.
Antes de chegar me Sydney passei um dia em Los Angeles e foi joia tambem. Peguei um onibus tour la' e fomos e todos os lugares intressantes... Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Teatro chines, praia Veneza e mais...
A chegada em Sydney foi tranquila e o ajuste ao fuzorario foi tranquilo. Indo rumo Oeste nao bem problema... e' so dormir no aviao e nao dormir durante o dia quando chegar aqui ;)
Hoje vou explorar umas praias e fazer um passeio de barco. Tem muito extrangeiro por aqui e o ingles daqui tem um sutaque diferente, mas da' para entender melhor do que o sutaque da Inglaterra. O povo aqui ta' animado para a copa e todos aqui estao mais interessados nos jogos do Brasil do que da Autralia!!! Bom amanha as 5 da madruagad estarei vidrado na telinha com um monte de gringo aqui vendo nossa selecao rumo ao hexa!!! Segunda copa que eu vou ver de madrugada- que furada meu... Hoje vou as praias amanha as montanhas... fui!
1 comment:
êta! tá bonito, filho!
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