Wow! The last two weeks have been so exciting and full of highligts! First I got to see my mom and sister (it has been 16 months since I've seen my mom)! Then Kimberly came over and spent a weekend with us! And yesterday my sister got married! Well, she is not officially married yet, the real wedding will be in Brazil on August 26, but they had their engagement celebration/reception here in Fort Collins for all their American friends and family that won't be able to come to Brazil in August. - Check out all the photos on the links on the right :)
My family and I had soooooo much fun with Kimberly in the rocky mountains!!! She flew in on Friday night and stayed with us until Monday. Friday night we had some good pizza in Old Town (downtown Ft Collins) and on Saturday we spent the day at Hestes Park. This place is amazing! We were surrounded by snow top rocky mountains, wild animals, and amazing view points every few miles. We had some snow ball fights, a killer picnic, great nap by the river and lots of fun pictures :)
On Sunday we went to my sister's church in the morning and after lunch and a deserved rest we went running on the beautiful mountains around Ft Collins. It was such a fun run/workout!!! Monday morning came too soon and we had to go our separate ways in the Denver airport...
- After Kimberly left my mom and Luisa focused more on the wedding stuff and I got to hang out some with my sister's roomate and go on a awsome hike onGray Rock Mountain. It was a tought 7 miles and 7700 feet hike, specially on the way up! Well somehow we get off the trail (unitentionally) and ended up on the wrong side of the mountain man. The hike quickly turned into rock climbing and thank God we had some Colorado mountain boys (guys that move like monkeys) with us! They would climb ahead and throw us ropes for us to get over the tough parts. It was AWSOME! I am glad we got to do some rock climbing. Once we got to the top we saw the trail and the way down was cake...
The greatest highlight was certainly my sister's wedding yesterday! Luisa looked beautiful! First Preston (groom) walked in with his grandmother, then I walked in with Luisa. Luisa and Preston took their seats on the stage and the grandma and I set on the family table. After that the pastor said a few words, one of their friends sang a beautiful song, they exchanged some words, and cut the cake. After that lots of picutres, coffe expresso bar, cake, chocolate fountain, and fellowship meeting the new family. Everything looked great. The parents and family did a great job with all the decoration!
EM PORTUGUES Wow, as ultimas duas semanas tem sido sensacionais!!! Muita alegria por aqui. Primeiro tivemos o reencontro da nossa familia, faziam 16 meses que nao via minha mae! Depois a Kimberly (gata/namorada) veio nos visitar aqui no Colorado e tivemos um super fim de semana juntos, e ontem foi o casamento da Luisa!!! Bom o casamento oficial sera' no Brasil em agosto, mas essa foi a comemoracao que eles fizeram para os amigos e parentes que nao vou poder ir ao Brasil em agosto.
Vejam todas as fotos nos links ao lado...O verao aqui no Colorado e' super legal porque faz bastante calor e da'
para aproveitar bem a montanhas e a natureza do local. Essa semana mesmo participei de uma super escalada ao topo de uma montanha aqui perta da cidade da Luisa
(Monte Pedra Cinza). Foram 11km de caminhada (7700 pes) e se isso nao fosse o suficiente na subida nos erramos o caminho e sem querer saimos da trilha... logo logo a caminhada virou escalada e em alguns pontos tivemos ate' que usar cordas para consiguir escalar as partes mais dificeis. Mas foi muito FERA'!!! Chegando la' em cima achamos a trilha e a descida foi moleza :)
A cerimonia da Luisa foi muito bonita! Primeiro o Preston (noivo) entrou com a avo' dele e depois eu entrei com a Luisa. O Preston e a Luisa sentaram la' na frente e eu e a avo' sentamos na mesa dos familiares. Depois o pastor deu uma palavra, uma amiga deles cantou uma musica muito bonita, eles trocaram umas palavras,
cortaram o bolo, e depois tivemos a festa. Um super bar de cafe' (coisa de americano, mas muito bom viu), bolo e fonte de chocolate - que delicia!!! Depois de muitas fotos tivemos uma recepcao mais intima so' para os familiares e amigos dos noivos onde a Luisa e o Preston abriram os presentes e lerao um monte de cartoes. Eles ganharam muita coisa boa e foi divertido ver eles abrindo os presentes e cartoes :)
Ai esta' a familia completa do noivo e noiva. Click nos links ao lado para ver todas as fotos!
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Bem-vindo ao mundo dos blogueiros!
Gostei muito das fotos!
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