Eitcha, cheguei sufrido ontem a noite viu... mas
cheguei bem, achei o albergue e estou bem acomodado. O
aeroporto era meio que mal sinalizado e tudo que podia
acontecer para atrasar minha saido do aeroporto e vir
para cidade aconteceu. Caramba meu, a paciencia tava
no limite. Primeiro entrei na fila mais lenta do
mundo... todas as filas do guiche da imigracao
passaram e pegaram suas malas e minha fila ainda tinha
uns 8. Claro que eu pulei para o caixa ao lado para
ser o proximo a ser atendido. Quando finalmente era
minha vez a mocinha falou, ah nao - brasileiro tem que
passar la' no outro caixa para ver o medico. Oh diaxo,
depois de esperar esse tempo todo, sai da fila e vai
la' pro outro lado do salao pegar outra fila. A
senhora que me antendeu nao tinha a minima cara de ser
medica, e com um ingles bem quebrado ela me deu uns
formularios que eu assinei. Voltei de novo para o
guiche com meu passaporte e cai logo na fila de um
individuo que estava em treinamento. Meu, devia ser o
primeiro dia do cara. Demorou um tempao, uma duzia de
pessoas da fila ao lado passaram e finalmente eu
passei. Cheguei la' na estera e todas as malas ja'
haviam sido tiradas, mas logo depois eu encontrei
minha bag. Demorei uns 10 minutos para achar a saido
do aeroporto meu! Nao tem placa... depois tive que
desviar um batalhao de taxistas que queriam me vender
uma promocao, tive que passar por 3 maquinas para
finalmente consiguir sacar um cash. Depois sai, e
peguei o taxi normal (que era a metade do preco - bem
como o meu livro disse). O motorista nao falava nada
de ingles, mas cheguei na rua certa e logo achei meu
albergue. Morto, 12 horas de voo, mais 5 horas de
fusohorario atrasado, meu quarto era justamente no
sexto andar (sem elevador). Dormi bem pra caramba.
Cama dura que nem chao. Banho frio de manha (nao tem
agua quente - mas nem precisa). Bastante quente aqui, mas um calor suportavel.
Hoje fui visitar uma pancada de tempos budistas, e varios outros pontos turisticos. Eu cheguei muito cedo la' no templo e cai na armacao do "amigo" que tava la' que me arrumou um tuk tuk (moto sobre 3 rodas com motorista doido) para me levar em outros lugares e me trazer de volta. Na verdade o lance foi genial, e rodei Bangkok e passei por varias atracoes com motorista particular por um dollar. As coisas aqui sao muito baratas. Mas andar de moto e tuk tuk (esse e' o nome mesmo do trem) aqui e' atividade radical. Muito mais louco que pular de bungy ou paraquedas. Aparentemente as faixas nas pistas nao servem pra nada, cada um vai pra onde quer, um cortando o outro, maior confusao... e so' para no sinal se nao der pra ir meeeesmo. Bom sobrevivi. Deopis fui a Chinatown ver o bairro chines e outra anarquia de loucura total. Um tumulto de gente em lugares que nao tem espaco nem pra andar, e tem moto e carrinho de cachorro quente tentando passar na sua frente. Meu coisa de louco mesmo. Amanha vou fazer umas compras e depois ja' estou saindo daqui para ir para o norte pegar umas trilhas, ver cachoeiras e andar de elefante :)
>> tuk tuk
In English Jus before leaving NZ I went up the Sky tower (highest building in the souther hemisphere by the way) to take a look at Auckland. I thought it was pretty big, but compared to Bangkok let me tell you... it's not very big at all. Bangkok is HUGE, extremely busy, things here are very different. The arrival last night was a bit rough, because it took me forever to go through immigration. This morning I woke up way too early (at 5am due to the time difference of 5h from NZ) and had a killer breakfast at the hostel (it was so good I orded it twice - big breaky today) and headed to town. Traffic here is insane! Like in NZ and Australia they also drive on the left side, well actually they drive on both sides... wait a minute there are no sides here. Honestly I don't think the lanes painted on the street mean anything, and WAIT! The light is red... oh I guess that doesn't mean anything either because we just kept on going. Today I did something far more eXtreme than bungy jumping or skydiving. I got on a tuk tuk (three wheel motorcile driven by crazy Thais) and this guy took me for a spin around town. I got to the buddist temple too early so a "friend" arranged this tuk tuk to take me around some other sites and bring me back around 1pm. The whole thing was set up, but it worked out really well actually. This guy drove me around for 2 hours to some of the attractions and the TAT (tourist authority t? / travel agency). It was fun, but insane! Driving on the wrong side, cutting people left and right... the works.
After that I spent a few hours wandering around the Buddah capital of south east Asia. It's called Wat Phra Kaew (Emerald Buddha) and it has many temples of different shapes and sizes with hundreds of Buddha's everywhere. Very shinny and bright, with lots of details on the outside, but the inside of the simpler temples were a bit dull. The big/important ones were quite impressive. Nonetheless I didn't really feel any peace or serenity in there. Very hot in busy inside. Unlike the European old cathedrals that somehow stay cool and quite (even in the summers with many visitors). After that I got on the boat again and headed to Chinatown. More insanity, motorcicles on sidewalks, people selling/eating/drinking stuff only God knows where it came from. Most of it looks weird and smells weird. I got to see a lot of new things today. That's for sure! After an exausting sightseeing day I went to one of the malls and was glad to see some familiar things like Burger King and what not.
I am hoping to do lots of shoping tomorrow! I am a little disapointed that things are not as cheap as I expected (as far as clothes - everything else like food/transportation/lodging is dirt cheap). But tomorrow is Saturday so I am going to the BIG market. Should find some good deals there. Then I'll go to the biggest mall in southeast asia, which should be quite good also.
In two days I'll be headed north to Mai Chai to do some trekking on the hills and forest. 3 days/2nights and many trails, waterfalls and elephants coming up. should be fun!